andrewking(me) is hosted from Jekyll source on GitHub Pages.
Summary of GitHub Pull Requests, Issues Opened, and Commits
Resources: Jekyll, GitHub Pages, kramdown, Sass, Pygments, Simple Grid, Google Fonts
Software: Adobe Brackets, GitHub for Mac, Pixelmator
YAML Front Matter and Markdown source of this page:
layout: article
title: "Built With Jekyll"
date: 2014-07-17 06:57:00
cover: /work/img/Built-With-Jekyll-Cover.png
collection: work
- all
- code
- html
- css
andrewking(me) is hosted from [Jekyll]( source on [GitHub Pages](
{% include image.html image="Built-With-Jekyll-001.png" caption="Summary of GitHub Pull Requests, Issues Opened, and Commits" %}
Resources: [Jekyll](, [GitHub Pages](, [kramdown](, [Sass](, [Pygments](, [Simple Grid](, [Google Fonts](<br>
Software: [Adobe Brackets](, [GitHub for Mac](, [Pixelmator](
article.html _layout for Jekyll build:
<!doctype html>
{% include license.html %}
{% include head.html %}
{% include header.html %}
<div class="grid grid-pad">
<div class="col-4-12">
<span class="title">{{ page.title }}</span>
{% if %}
<p>{{ | date_to_string }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if page.tags %}
{% for tag in page.tags %}
{% if tag != "all" %}
<a href="/{{ page.collection }}/tag/{{ tag | output }}/">#{{ tag | output }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col-8-12">
{{ content }}
{% include article_signoff.html %}
Browse the source code at
/AK at 06:57 UTC